What if this was a day in your work life? 8 am. Arrive at the Park Avenue office. Return phone calls from last night from Kings of Leon Manager and Partner at YellowHeart, CEO of Disruptor Records/Selector Songs, SONY, and one of the world’s most popular bands, The ChainSmokers to talk
Free Bitcoin is the New-Age Reward for Apps
How many apps have you downloaded that promised rewards or exclusive access to coupons? Would you have downloaded that app or game if you were not offered these incentives? Probably not. And, how many of those apps or games constantly barrage you with advertisements? Do you realize that these
Adam Jiwan is the Educated Investor
GLASS CRYPTO FEATURES CEO and Chairman of Blockchain Startup Spring Labs Early Life and Beginning Adam Jiwan is a highly experienced entrepreneur and global investor. As the founder and managing director of Ridge Road Partners and Spring Labs, Adam Jiwan is a very exciting addition to
Future Regulatory Framework for Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency
The Problem In their present state, blockchain and cryptocurrency have definitely shown that they will likely endure. They provide the possibility of low cost financial transactions. This will help the U.S. economy. It is also clear that some cryptocurrencies will not survive, which will create
Blockchain Technology Must Vanquish Three Obstacles to Acquire Mainstream Status
Blockchain technology has been around for a decade now, having published its white paper in October 2008. However, despite the appreciation of the revolutionary power it holds and its ability to change the course of FinTech operations, across the globe, the industry players are still hesitant to its
Blockchain Technology Can Help Consumers Avoid These Investment Schemes
Many people are enjoying the financial benefits of this new age of technology. However, the increasing connectivity has made it easier for internet predators to compromise the integrity of data shared by regular internet users like you and me. While it may be easy to dismiss a fraudulent
Why Bitcoin Will Replace Fiat Currency According To Rich Dad Poor Dad Author
The US Dollar is a scam and will eventually be replaced by bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. This was Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the multinational financial literacy book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ sentiments about the threat posed by digital currency to the traditional fiat currency. He bases his
‘Blockchain’ is now more popular than ‘cryptocurrency,’ according to Google data
According to Google search data, computer users are now more interested in the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies than the cryptocurrencies themselves. The term "blockchain," which refers to a decentralized digital ledger that stores information about cryptocurrencies, is searched more often