Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology The AI or artificial intelligence market is expected to grow from the $8 billion in 2016 to $72 billion by 2021. This is a CAGR or Compound Annual Growth Rate of 55.1 percent. The expected growth for the Blockchain market is a CAGR of 61.5
How Cryptocurrency Is Changing The Landscape
Recently, the demand for cryptocurrency has risen substantially. People are constantly looking for an ideal alternative to money. Cryptocurrencies are considered the future because they are electronic and decentralized. Here are some things to keep an eye on heading towards the future. The
AT&T Wants to Transform Your Car Into a Digital Wallet
American telecom giant AT&T has officially jumped into the digital currency arena with a very interesting patent. Imagine being able to make a purchase, pay for a service or even receiving a payment for service you rendered while driving. AT&T is seemingly exploring such an option, and it
The Three Veins of Cryptocurrency Security Explained
A Look at the Layers of Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic ever since the release of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. A decentralized system has no servers. Participants have the freedom to execute transactions. As an alternative to Bitcoin, people can
6 Ways Blockchain Technology Is Changing International Trade & Payments
Unless you've had your head in the proverbial sand as of late, you've most likely heard about the phenomenon that is blockchain technology (or, at least you've heard of one of it's biggest users: Bitcoin). With all the noise surrounding blockchain technology, however, it can be easy to overlook some
Why Investors Should Ignore Most of the Cryptocurrency Hype
If you are like most people, then you have probably heard a lot of talk and hype about “cryptocurrency.” Just in case you have not, and/or you are not familiar with this term, cryptocurrency is basically digital currency, such as the highly controversial bitcoin. This is basically a new type of
5 Reasons Small Businesses Should Accept Cryptocurrency
If you have been wondering how to give your small business an edge over the competition, perhaps now is the time to consider cryptocurrency adoption. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are completely digital forms of currency now used by Microsoft, Dell, Amazon, Tesla, Subway, and other businesses
The Risks of BitCoin
It’s an unfortunate truth that as BitCoin continues to grow in popularity, so too do scams associated with the famed cryptocurrency. One of BitCoin’s biggest issues is that it lacks any sort of central authority to review transactions before they’re completed, which opens up users to all manner of