What is a BlockChain Developer?
The Blockchain is the main technology that powers Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Blockchain records transactions that happen in Bitcoin. A blockchain developer is a person who comes up with the programming codes used in cryptocurrency transactions. In this article, I will discuss what steps are necessary in order to become one.
Step 1- Understanding The Basics
The first thing you need to understand is the basics. There are four terms you need to learn outside of everything else. Learn the following terms, if you learn nothing else.
a) Blockchain: It is a block of data containing value without a central supervisorial position.
b) Decentrailized: That means there is no one supervising what happens. It is secure though.
c) Concesus Mechanism: That is the place where different mechanisms come to an opinion or point of view on something.
d) The Miners: These are the people who mine for blocks.
It is advisable that you look through the entire dictionary for other terms. The more terms you know and understand, the more experience you will be with becoming a blockchain developer. You should also read and familiarize yourself with the blockchain white paper.
Step 2- Understanding the Process
The next thing you need to do is learn how the process works. There are developers who jump in with both feet. However, their wealth of knowledge and experience is lacking. Go to one of the sites and buy a few coins. You do need to buy up everything, but enough to get your feet wet.
You should develop a strategy as you buy more coins. Learn about wallets and how exchanges work. Some of you might be wondering how this helps you become a developer? This is part of the process.
Step 3- Coding
The third step is coding. This is the most crucial part of the process. You are going to learn everything from security and resources management to performance. There are some amazing resources online that can help you with those three parts. You need to understand those three first before you can move onto the next part.
Step 4- Isolation
The 4th step is learning about isolation. The first definition you will learn is “deterministic behavior.”
1+2=3. The outcome is always going to be 3. Every function has to equal 3, no matter what the equation is. You cannot have two roads moving in different directions. Your job as a blockchain developer is to isolate the variables to ensure they go the same way.
I have given you these 4 steps to get you started. There are a lot of resources you can use to understand the chains and coding elements. One good resource to use is blockgeeks.com. The site has some excellent articles and content on becoming a blockchain developer.
It is rather technical so be prepared!
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