Block chain is new, innovative and provides revolutionary benefits to those that utilize its transactional-style technology and platform. You are probably wondering, what is this block chain? What does it do or mean? Good question.
Block chain is a group ledger that processes recorded transactions and provides real-time tracking reports for assets within business networks. Assets including property, land, financial or intellectual property, including copyrighting, patents, valuables, all of which could be traded on the block chain platform. Block chain was born out of a need to provide reliable, more secure, cost-effective and efficient financial transactions, as a result of such things as exponential E commerce growth.
E commerce
With the rise of E commerce, in-app purchases and even financial online banking, the volumes of data, from the cloud to user-level transactions became more susceptible to intrusion or derailing. These vulnerabilities became more prevalent as the need to manage, protect and analyze and direct the information to perform these quick real-time transactions increased. Considering the Internet of Things, and as complexities advanced, improved technology strategies became mandatory. What is our current state today?
Current transactional systems today are inefficient and expensive. The question is how do we address these major challenges that directly effect our global economies and marketing strategies? What is the realistic solution?
There is a workable solution that has hit the market, which does currently address the complexities and vulnerabilities, inefficiencies and costs of transactions. It is called Block chain. It represents an entire block chain ecosystem and its capabilities. Block chain not only represents currency transactions on its platform, but is a technological phenomenon. The implementation of the block chain infrastructure, although unique in its delivery of service(s), is to date the most comprehensive.
Blockchain Qualities
A unique and fascinating quality of block chain is it’s cross-platform portability from a technology perspective and its cross-industry benefits. Block chain provides integrated systems that are efficient, effective, fast and scale-able with excellent security, even transparency from the cloud to the desktop and across verticals. This strategy encompasses some of its primary benefits.
According to research in the article listed above, the best tool for egalitarian marketing opportunity that is transparent, yet safe should be logical, requiring no major equipment, minimal chargeback or monthly fees and provide a comprehensive cross-platform, enterprise financial and marketing bookkeeping solution. This is the kind of integrated marketing strategic plan required for the optimization of market penetration and profit today.
In this particular article written by Crypto slate (2017), data collected proved that more than 75% of profit obtained through online ads were monopolized and ultimately controlled by only 10 top companies. It was discovered that ad tracking was the central issue. Ad bots and other kinds of technologies were utilized to assist or desist the platform marketing campaigns of the other 90 companies. Whether real people view these ads, implementation of advertising effectiveness tracking and marketing oppression not impression of the controlling brands have become a standing issue. In our opinion, this direct-correct remedy is requiring a centralized, secured and egalitarian platform like Block chain to level the marketing playing fields. Block chain is the answer.
Block chain is a strategically positioned technology marketing platform, capable of providing track ability, transparency and transactional efficiency. The unique elements provided by the Block chain platform assists by eliminating crippling controls of the current market status quo. Advertisers connect directly with publishers, even process smart contracts for more seamless and accurate communication and results! Fraud is minimized and reporting is practical and accessible in assisting with market campaign improvements. Block chain is the way of the future. Let’s Block chain together.
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