Igor Makarov is a distinguished economist renowned for his contributions to the field of finance and economics. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, he held a faculty position at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) within the Department of Finance. Please note
Free Bitcoin is the New-Age Reward for Apps
How many apps have you downloaded that promised rewards or exclusive access to coupons? Would you have downloaded that app or game if you were not offered these incentives? Probably not. And, how many of those apps or games constantly barrage you with advertisements? Do you realize that these
Adam Jiwan is the Educated Investor
GLASS CRYPTO FEATURES CEO and Chairman of Blockchain Startup Spring Labs Early Life and Beginning Adam Jiwan is a highly experienced entrepreneur and global investor. As the founder and managing director of Ridge Road Partners and Spring Labs, Adam Jiwan is a very exciting addition to
Blockchain Technology Must Vanquish Three Obstacles to Acquire Mainstream Status
Blockchain technology has been around for a decade now, having published its white paper in October 2008. However, despite the appreciation of the revolutionary power it holds and its ability to change the course of FinTech operations, across the globe, the industry players are still hesitant to its
Blockchain Technology Can Help Consumers Avoid These Investment Schemes
Many people are enjoying the financial benefits of this new age of technology. However, the increasing connectivity has made it easier for internet predators to compromise the integrity of data shared by regular internet users like you and me. While it may be easy to dismiss a fraudulent
5 Cryptocurrency Risks Your Clients Need to Know
Cryptocurrencies have become more and more popular with the general public, and because of this accountants are fielding a wide range of questions from their clients about them. These questions relate to the tax implications of owning and trading cryptocurrency as well as to questions relating to
Is Blockchain Technology Secure?
According to statistics released in 2015, cash payments still account for the most significant chunk of transactions with 42 % of all 2015 purchases. Nevertheless, digital sales are gradually making headlines. The estimate further that by 2014, over 850,000 bitcoins had been hacked. Currently, the
5 Companies That Are All In On Cryptocurrency
5 Companies That Are All In On Cryptocurrency More and more companies these days are accepting cryptocurrencies for the payment of goods from their stores. These companies are seeing more and more that the use of these forms of payment is becoming a more accepted form of payment. Many people