Bitcoin shares hit a record high in the middle of September 2018. They are now in a fall to make up for all the activity on the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin used to make up 60 percent of the cryptocurrency market and now only holds a position of about 50 percent of the market. Other
5 Excellent New Cryptocurrency Analysis Tools
When you are investing in and trading cryptocurrencies you need all of the information you can get in order to make the best possible decisions to earn profit. Luckily for you there are various analysis tools designed to help you better understand what is happening in the cryptocurrency markets and
7 Questions You Should Ask About Blockchain
Blockchains are becoming more popular but a person must understand how they work before they can begin investing in this currency. Since there is no central authority to regulate the trades it is important to get as much information as possible on blockchains. These are some questions to ask before
The Biggest Barrier Surrounding Blockchain
Blockchain is an ingenious technology that can make the entire Internet more efficient and secure. The premise of blockchain is that digital data is distributed and not copied. Initially, the digital data was in the form of a cryptocurrency, namely Bitcoin. However, blockchain can be used to
Top 3 Cryptocurrency Mobile Wallets For Your IPhone
One may ask, "What in the world is a cryptocurrency wallet'? The answer is simple. It's basically digital cash that makes day to day bill paying, and other purchases, less stressful and hassle free. To access this digital cash, you need a digital wallet. There are many to choose from and we are
Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Backs Cryptocurrencies
Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Backs Cryptocurrencies Why Bitcoin Will Replace Fiat Currency According To Rich Dad Poor Dad Author The US Dollar is a scam and will eventually be replaced by bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. This was Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the multinational financial
5 Companies That Are All In On Cryptocurrency
5 Companies That Are All In On Cryptocurrency More and more companies these days are accepting cryptocurrencies for the payment of goods from their stores. These companies are seeing more and more that the use of these forms of payment is becoming a more accepted form of payment. Many people
Blockchain: A Weapon Against Digital Suppression In China
Chinese President Xi Jinping has deemed it necessary to withhold full free access to the Internet. This filtration is due in part to blocking outside influences as well as Chinas' public image. The government it self-has said these measures will bolster “positive propaganda” for the country but it’s